Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I joined Pinterest four weeks ago, and I love it. It's simple to use. I'm not limited to seeing only what my "friends" or "followers" post. I can follow any person that I want or just one or two boards that a person has. There's none of this friend request business, just click follow and that's all there is to it. And I can share my pins with anyone who isn't a member of Pinterest. You can go here to see my boards:

The amazing thing is that in the past month I have discovered over twenty artists whose works that I really love and that I would not have otherwise found. I love art. I love going to art shows and museums. When Google launched its Art Project, I was stoked as I could go and look at classic art and get closer, down to paint stroke level, than I ever could in a museum.

And then there is some amazing photography of the most beautiful places in the world and some really funny stuff. I found texts from the dog there.

BUT there are drawbacks to Pinterest. You have to have either a facebook account or a Twitter account to join. Most people have one or the other, but I would like to see them do away with that requirement and stand alone. It's also not the best place for having a conversation. While you can comment on pins and have a conversation about a specific pin, it's just not the best environment for having a discussion.

AND it is not the best place to market your books. If you're looking at it as potential place for building a platform for your writing, this is not the best place to do that. It is more visual, more for sharing of images, craft ideas, art, places, products, and for some reason tattoos.

However, a writer could use it to get ideas for stories or visual references for story descriptions like buildings, locations, clothes, furniture, and so on.

If you're interested, check it out here.  You have to request an invitation to join, but that is relatively simple to do. Or leave a comment with your email address and I'll send you an invitation to join.

Updated to add: Pinterest is now open to anyone with an email account. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Connected, But Alone

"Someday, I'd like to learn how to have a conversation." That's a quote from this TED talk.

As I listened to this talk, a scene from Real Genius kept popping into my head. The professor is lecturing in front of the classroom and in successive scenes the students leave tape recorders for the lecture instead of sitting in the class. Then in the last clip, there are no people. The student desks are all occupied by small tape recorders and on the teachers desk in the front of the classroom is a reel to reel tape recorder in place of the teacher. 

Is that the kind of world we want to live in? 

A challenge for you: Disconnect from the internet and phone for five minutes and enjoy a few moments of solitude. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Call for Literary Disarmament

I had this long post about the need for the writing community to cease the war of words. Nathan Bransford said it so much better, so I'll share this video of meerkats instead.

Monday, May 21, 2012

RIP Donna Summer and Robin Gibb

Last Thursday we lost the Queen of Disco, Donna Summer, and yesterday we lost one of the Brothers Gibb, Robin Gibb. Both battled cancer. Their songs were the soundtrack of my teenage years. It is sad to say so long to those who brought so much joy to my life with music that is fun to dance to.

The Bee Gees Saturday Night Fever album was the biggest selling album of all time until it got knocked off the top by Michael Jackson's Thriller. Check out this music video of Staying Alive. Yes, we dressed that way.

Donna Summer was 60 years old when she performed at The Nobel Peace Prize Concert in 2009, and she had the whole crowd on their feet. I guess Robin and Donna are having their Last Dance in the hereafter (whatever that means to you)

But I think maybe this song says it all:

RIP Donna Summer

RIP Robin Gibb

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Text From The Dog

Before you click on the link I must warn you of two things. 1) There is foul language, so if that kind of thing bothers you don't click on the link. 2.) Swallow whatever you're drinking, and you might wish to take a trip to the bathroom, so you don't wet your pants.

Text From the Dog. 

I, of course, had to read today's post when I went to get the link for you... 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


If you are a writer, then you need to read this article: The Paradoxical Secret of Obsession-Worthy Branding. It is the first and only article that I have read about branding that discusses how creative people can create their brand. Hint, it's not the same way as other businesses, because your selling an experience (reading a book) not a product.

A fascinating article.