Thursday, August 6, 2009

Money Back Guarantee

I knew that I was forgetting something when I set up the shopping cart. A money back guarantee. I can hear the roar: "For books and magazines? Are you out of your mind? Nobody does that!"

No. I am not out of mind. And this is why I am doing it. Nothing annoys me more to pay $7 to $10 for a paperback, get home, start reading it, and one chapter in, toss the book aside because I can't get into the story. I have a whole shelf full of books that I have purchased, but haven't finished reading, yet, because I tossed them aside because I couldn't get into the story. I may never read them. I look at that shelf and think what a waste of money. I wish I could have returned them and gotten my money back.

The reason I don't buy ezines and other short story magazines is because I am afraid that I am going to waste my money on stories that I am not going to enjoy reading.

And that is why I am offering a money back guarantee on Scribblers and Ink Spillers publications. I don't want unhappy readers. If you buy one of my publications and you don't enjoy reading it, then I will refund your money.

I'm also not a fool. On a person's third request, I'll take a look at their account and if it looks like they are treating Scribblers like a lending library, then I'll take action to stop it.

Bottomline, I know from personal experience that purchasing books and magazines is a risky proposition, even when the author is known, and that is why I am offering a 30 day money back guarantee.

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